“Computer-aided identification tools and the ivory towers of taxonomists”
Prof. Pier L. Nimis
Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy
“Thailand biodiversity big volume”
ศ.สมศักดิ์ ปัญหา
“The taxonomy and biological characteristics of Capitella (Capitellidae, Polychaete) and differences of the impact of environmental disturbance caused by hypoxia on the benthic communities between tropical and temperate coasts”
Prof.Dr. Hiroaki Tsutsumi
Head of Regional Cooperation and Research Promotion Center
Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Japan
ศ.สุภาวดี จุลละศร
“Taxonomic study on marine harpacticoids of Korean waters”
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sung Joon Song
Seoul National University